The Ismo PHP Framework


8th Life

Due to other responsibilities, Joakim has passed the Ismo project on to another developer for further development. My goal is to continue Ismo's development and improve on the code base that Joakim started.

If you have thoughts or ideas concerning Ismo, please don't hesitate to contribute.

Thank you for your interest in Ismo,
TheIdeaMan, 8th of June 2005

Quick info

The latest version is 0.1.4, released on the 14th of June 2004. Download here.


Ismo is an application framework written in PHP for PHP. It features industry accepted design solutions such as MVC (model-view-controller separation) yet remains easy and straightforward to use.

The usage of Ismo is subject to version 2.0 of the PHP license. This basically means you can do whatever you want with it, but read the license anyways.

Spare-time project

Please note that I'm developing this in my spare time, which means that progress is very depending on my workload at work and other hobbies I have.

If you want to see something implemented sooner rather than later, note that I gladly accept patches! But please mention what you would like to do on the ismo-users mailing list before actually starting to do it.

Important links